Ligibet Jackpot Prediction

Ligibet Pick 10 Daily Jackpot

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ligibet Super Jackpot

Ligibet are a relatively new betting site in Kenya, and they have a daily jackpot called The Ligibet Pick 10. It is quite fun and a little different from other jackpots in Kenya, as you are not predicting the winner, but rather choosing the total number of goals scored in 90 mins by both teams combined to win the Jackpot.
So an example, if Liverpool are playing Manchester United, and you think the game will end with Liverpool winning 3 goals and Manchester with 2 goals. Then your prediction on the Ligibet Jackpot for this match would be 5 (as 3+2=5). It costs only Ksh 20 and if you get all 10 predictions correct, you will win the Jackpot: KSh 1,500,000.00.
There are consolation prizes as well. These are:
2nd Prize: 9/10 Correct game predictions KSh 50,000.
3rd Prize: 8/10 Correct game predictions KSh 20,000.
4th Prize: 7/10 Correct game predictions Free entry to the next Jackpot.
There is also a random option, which is like a quickpick.

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